The latest push for a continental railroad connection with Alaska comes from two sources. One is the proposed trans-Canada gas line from Prudhoe Bay through Fairbanks and Delta Junction where the right-of-way then continues along the Alcan Highway through Tok and Whitehorse, Watson Lake and Ft Nelson and on into Alberta to meet the existing gas line grid.  The idea is to use the rails for construction of the gas line. The segment to be completed extends from Ft. Nelson all the way to Delta. By that time the AKRR will have built a new  extension to the Ft Greely missile site south of Delta.

It is definitely a long-shot at best. But I am basing my model on the un-likelihood of such a rail system. In fact, my long-range model-building plans include a model of a pipeline construction camp. That is still a few years down the road.



 Proposals for the   new Alaska-Canada rail line are quite ambitious, tying in pipelines and fiber-optic cables into one large corridor.

One long-range proposal calls for development of several high-speed corridors that will be tied in to the Alaska-Canada Rail Corridor.  This would certainly be an infrastructure development program that would actually make some sense.
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