The Chitina Leader
April 1, 1911



Cordova Now in Close Touch With Famous Bonanza Mine at Kennicott, a Big
Producer of Fabulously Rich Ore
by Will A. Steel
The goal has been reached. 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 29, 1911.
At a cost of over twenty million dollars.
The Copper River & Northwestern Railway, from Cordova to Kennecott, 196

Wednesday afternoon will ever remain a memorable occasion in Alaska. It
records an event that will have important significance throughout the
United States.

At the time recorded the last rail was driven into place by a copper
spike, that marked the completion of track laying on the new railway
that runs from the sea port terminus of Cordova to Kennicott, the end of
the line as at present projected.

At the interior terminus is located the renowned Bonanza copper mine;
800 feet beyond the big concentrator and ore bins, on the mountain side
opposite one of the largest glaciers in the northland, with a beautiful
perspective of snow-covered mountain peaks, frozen rivers and timbered
valleys, the modest ceremonies were witnessed that records the
accomplishment of one of the most gigantic and daring enterprises known
to the commercial world.

The day was most propitious. The sun shone brightly and the crisp,
invigorating air, with the thermometer registering 38 degrees above
zero, had an inspiring effect on the interested spectators. A tense and
anxious feeling was evidenced until the last act was performed that
declared the practical completion of the building of the railroad to the
end of the line. And it was the obliterating of frontierism from a
hitherto remote section, bringing rapid communication and making
available all the comforts of civilization, in the development of that
vast domain tributary to the Copper, Chitina, Nizina and other
unnavigable rivers.

All present realized the full import of the advent of steel rails in the
awakening of a new empire of hidden wealth that is destined to soon woo
thousands of adventurous prospectors and operators, who will produce
mineral values in such quantity as will startle the world.

Driving of the Copper Spike
On Monday Chief Engineer and General Manager E. C. Hawkins left Cordova
for the front, in Supt. Van Cleve's private dining, sleeping and
observation car. Accompanying him were J. R. Van Cleve, superintendent,
and R. J. Barry, general freight and passenger agent of the new
railroad; E. A. Hegg, photographer; and Will A. Steel, editor of the
Cordova Daily Alaskan and the Chitina Leader. At Chitina the party was
joined by J. C. Martin, manager of the Orr Stage Line.

This was the first through train that had gone over the entire trackage
of the new railroad. After spending the night at camp 146 the train went
on to Kennicott arriving Tuesday afternoon within a quarter of a mile of
the end of the line. Shortly beyond a trestle of 256 feet was being put
in, which delayed track laying until the following morning. However, the
trestle was completed and trackage laid to the ore bins and concentrator
of the Bonanza mine before noon Wednesday. After lunch the additional
800 feet of steel was laid and the final ceremonies occurred at 3:30
Wednesday afternoon.

When all was in readiness the golden, or, in this instance, the more
appropriate copper spike, was placed in position by Mr. Barry. It was
then driven in turn by chief Engineer Hawkins and General Superintendent
Samuel Murchison. Faithful old engine No. 50, puffing and whistling,
stood on the track a few feet in the rear, with a large portrait of the
late M. J. Heney over the headlight. The spectacle was witnessed by a
couple of hundred workmen, officials and a few other interested spectators.
Prior to the act of driving the spike, in response to a suggestion by
Mr. Hawkins, the assemblage stood with bowed and uncovered heads in
memory of the late and much beloved contractor, Mr. Heney.

Mr. Hawkins made a short address, in which he expressed the appreciation
of himself and the Katalla Company for the splendid organization built
up by Mr. Heney and so ably perpetuated by Mr. Murchison, and for the
effective and harmonious work performed by the contracting department.
Afterwards there was general congratulations and Mr. Murchison took
occasion to extend his grateful appreciation to Mr. Hawkins and the
Katalla Company for the many courtesies extended and the able assistance
rendered his people. The several engines then blew their whistles and
the workmen and all others present gave way to much rejoicing.
The telephone wires had kept pace with the railroad construction and
General Manager Hawkins telephoned a message to Cordova, to be cabled to
Seattle and there telegraphed to New York, informing the owners of the
railroad that the copper spike had been driven. The following morning
several replies were received at Chitina, expressing the sincerest
congratulations for the splendid work so expeditiously performed by Mr.
Hawkins and the contracting company.

Shortly after the important finish the special train left and passed
over the new and unballasted track for fifty miles at the rate of 20
miles an hour. The night was spent at Mr. Murchison's headquarters, camp
146. Thursday morning the run was made to Chitina, where Mr. Hawkins
left the train, expecting to remain several days between that point and
Kennicott. With the rest of the party Superintendent Van Cleve took his
car down to mile 54, where he and Mr. Barry rendered valuable assistance
in cleaning the snow slides.

A Glorious Accomplishment
The completion of the copper River & Northwestern Railway marks an
important epoch in Alaska's history. While equally as daring railroad
accomplishments may have been undertaken in other parts of the world, it
is doubtful if there has ever been another project that has been so
successfully carried on under more adverse and trying conditions.
For nearly three and a half years past, men numbering into the
thousands, from the highest officials to the laborer who shoveled mud or
snow gave of the best that was in them. At times over 6,000 men were
employed, while at the end the number had decreased to about 500. During
the period of construction such adverse conditions were encountered and
surmounted as are very seldom met with in other parts of the world.
Much of the work on the several steel bridges was done when the
thermometer was from 35 to 50 degrees below zero, or when raging
torrents or huge icebergs carried by swift currents, made foundation
work almost impossible. In constructing understanding, scientific
knowledge, broad intellect, physical force, and even unto their heart's
blood, to a work that shall forever redound to their credit, to the glory
of the capitalists who made it possible, and to the benefit of the
thousands who will make of the new section a land of rich development.

Route of the New Railroad

The tide water terminus is at the land-locked town of Cordova, on an
inlet of Prince William Sound. Then, as Mr. Swergal describes it, the
road effects a sea level passage of one of the coast spurs of the
Chugach range at the junction of Eyak Lake and Eyak River, some six
miles from Cordova, the only point of easy penetration to the interior
from the southern Alaska coast. After leaving this mountain pass the
road is laid on a tangent of thirteen miles, passes the old Russian
trading post at Alaganik, crossing the rioting delta of the Copper River
by means of modern steel bridges at what are known as Flag Point, Round
Island and Hot Cake channels.

Fifty miles from Cordova occurred one of
the greatest engineering feats of modern times; the second crossing of
the main channel of the Copper by the erection of the Miles Glacier
cantilever bridge, embattled on either side by the mighty Childs and
Miles Glaciers, both presenting a defiant wall of ice 300 feet above and
100 feet below the river and three to five miles in length. Here, in
summer, thousands of tons of ice fall into the river in single masses
almost hourly, accompanied by thundering roars. These masses of ice
throw monster waves across the river, leaving the salmon high on the
banks to be gathered by prowling bears and passing prospectors and Indians.

From the glaciers the line extends in a general northeasterly direction
along the Copper, over the Baird Glacier Moraine (a field of earth
hidden ice), and on through the panoramic Wood Canyon, surpassing the
grandeur of the Alps, and on to Chitina, the coming copper city of the
North. This is also the point of connection between the railroad and the
Orr stage line for carrying passengers and the U. S. mail to and from
Fairbanks and other interior sections. Leaving Chitina through a solid
rock tunnel, the railway makes the third crossing of the main channel of
the Copper immediately above the mouth of the Chitina River, and there
climbs to the bench lands skirting the Kotsina. One hundred and
forty-nine miles from Cordova, the crossing of the Kuskulana River is
made by means of a modern steel bridge 238 feet above the ice bound
floor of the gorge, thence, on through the valley of the Chitina to the
famous Bonanza copper mine at Kennecott, 196 miles from Cordova. This is
in the heart of one of the world's greatest copper regions, and it also
promises great wealth in gold.

Magnificent Steel Bridges
Everyone connected with the railroad is proud of the fine steel bridges
that were erected under most trying climatic conditions, at a cost of
over $2,500,000. From the very start it was generally known that the
problem of bridging the copper River from the foot of Glacier Lake and
the edge of Child's Glacier, was one of the most perplexing problems and
hazardous feats that the management had to contend with. Two abutments
and three piers were decided on to support the necessary 1,550 feet of
steel. With the current rushing past at a reckless rate of speed and
carrying the immense icebergs, which find their way out of the lake, the
problem of bridging the river proved a most difficult one.

Work was started on the first caisson in April, 1909. In building it a
railroad track was laid over the ice, and a monster pile driver, resting
on the ice, drove the piles necessary to support the wave of the
caisson. In early May when the caisson was ready to slip into place the
ice began to break and it was necessary to carry on the work by means of
an aerial tramway. In placing the other caissons in the middle of the
stream by the aid of compressed air, huge icebergs were continually
careening and bumping the sides of the caissons.

But this work was finished and the piers completed that summer, followed
by the placing of the false work, which permitted the setting on and
riveting of the steel pieces so soon as they were received in the spring
of 1910. The work of putting the spans in place went on satisfactorily
until toward the finish of the third span in May. The ice had been
running for a week past, moving two or three inches each day, and had at
various times seriously interfered with the false work or trestling from
which the men were working. Had the ice carried away this piling and
frame work it would have been impossible to have completed the bridge
that season. But fortune favored the brave efforts of a heroic class of
steel workers and when the break came two days later the time of danger
had passed. The last span was built over a portion of the river that is
distant from the main channel and was not affected by the floating ice.
It was completed in June, 1910.

The total cost of the bridge was about $1,500,000. In the construction
of the two abuttments and three caissons about 18,000 cubic yards of
concrete were used, while in the bridge there are 5,000,000 pounds of
steel. The first span of the bridge is 400 feet long; the second 300
feet; the third and cantilever span 450 feet, while the fourth is 400
feet. Chief Engineer Hawkins received valuable assistance in this great
work from A. C. O'Neel, bridge engineer, who was directly in charge of
the work. He labored with untiring zeal in supervising and directing
this great undertaking, with the loyal assistance of foreman of bridge
construction, Chas. McDonald, the steel foreman, Chas. Dwyer, and a
corps of faithful steel men.

The work of crossing the Kuskulana gorge, 238 feet high, was staged
October 23, 1910, and completed the following Christmas day. This bridge
consists of three half-camel back spans and is 500 feet long being three
spans of 150, 200 and 150 feet. The construction of this bridge
presented difficulties not heretofore encountered in the other steel
bridges of the road. The extraordinary height of the structure, together
with the swiftness of the water in the chasm that it spans, rendered the
erection of false work infeasible. These conditions necessitated
constructing the bridge by the cantilever trick. That is, the central
span, which actually crosses the gorge is suspended from the first span
by cantilever rigging attached thereto. When the gorge or central span
was completed, the wedges in the cantilever rigging were slacked off,
permitting the span to settle in place at its union with the third span
on the other side of the gorge. Engineer O'Neel was compelled to work
his men much of the time with the thermometer 20 to 45 degrees below zero.
The Flag Point bridge at mile 27 is 1,300 feet in length with spans as
follows, in feet, 300, 150, 150, 175, 175, 175, 175. It was completed in
August, 1909. Almost a continuation of this bridge is the Round Island
structure at mile 28. It is 560 feet in length, with two spans of 300
and 260 feet each, and was completed in May, 1909. These two bridges
were built at a cost of $560,000. The Hot Cake bridge at mile 34 is 525
feet long with three spans of 175 feet each. It was finished in
November, 1909, and cost $230,000. The steel in the five bridges weighs
over 20,000,000 pounds.
The construction of the steel bridges was done directly by the Katalla
Company, while the wooden bridges and trestles were built by Contractor

Wooden Bridges, Trestles and Snow Sheds
Between Cordova and Chitina there are 129 bridges, with a length of
42,988 feet, or 8.15 miles, which were built at a cost of $590,000. This
side of Miles Glacier, mile 47, there are 40 bridges, length 17,963 feet
costing $256,000. From Miles Glacier to Tiekel, a distance of 52 miles,
there are 42 bridges length 15,459 feet, costing $18,000. From Tiekel to
Chitina, a distance of 32 miles, there are 47 bridges, length 9,566
feet, costing $163,000. The longest bridge is across the copper river
just beyond Chitina, at mile 132. It is 2,790 feet long, or a little
more than a half mile. The west approach to the Miles Glacier bridge is
nearly as long. The Gilahina bridge is 890 feet long, from eighty to
ninety feet high and was built in eight days.

The superintendent of bridges is P. J. O'Brien and he made many notable
records in the construction of wooden bridges and trestles. With the
thermometer always down to zero and as far below as 50 degrees, Mr.
O'Brien completed 6,700 feet in thirty-five days, after the 7th of
January last, working on an average of forty-eight men. The total cost
of the bridge and trestle work on the Chitina branch has not yet been

In order to protect the tracks from snow slides and drifting snow 3,030
feet of substantial sheds were built. At round Island, mile 28, 703 feet
were built and at Abercrombie Canyon, between miles 53 and 54, there are
2,327 feet. These sheds were built at a cost of $101,000. As a result of
the past season's experience and observation it has been found necessary
to erect additional sheds, which will be done before next winter.

Equipment of Railroad
Everything is of the most modern and substantial character and includes
15 locomotives, eight coaches, 256 cars, four steam shovels, two rotary
ploughs, one wrecking crane, track driver, two spreaders, one dozer, all
of which were purchased at a cost of $750,000. This motive power runs
over a standard gauge railroad with 70-pound rails to Chitina, and
60-pound rails on the Chitina branch to Kennecott. Native ties have been
used throughout, while all of the track fittings, sidings, frogs,
switches and other ap-standards.

The motive power was built by the American Locomotive Works and includes
several consolidation engines of most modern typ, equipped with electric
headlights and used exclusively in the hauling of passenger and mail
trains. Two snow rotaries are in constant readiness to give battle to
the snow and prevent blockades. The rolling stock is of the latest
approved pattern, the freight cars ranging from sixty to one hundred
thousand pounds capacity, with a large complement of auxiliary cars for
construction and maintenance purposes. A table d'hote dining car service
is maintained on all passenger trains between Cordova and Chitina, the
service of which is unexcelled on the standard railways in the states,
insuring appetizing meals in comfort at all hours.

Preliminary Work on C. R. & N. W. Railroad
After the Alaska syndicate acquired the Bonanaza mines, under ownership
of the Kennecott Mines Company, the necessity was at once apparent for
the construction of a railroad to reach their valuable copper properties
and also to open up what was considered a rich mineral belt running to
the north and south of the Chitina, Nizina and other rivers. Engineer M.
K. Rogers decided that the cheapest route was north from Valdez, and in
the spring of 1905 he secured rights and started to build from Valdez.
The difficulties of getting through the canyon and the high grades
necessary in climbing the mountains brought discouragement.

In the fall of 1905 the valuable coal deposits of the Katalla fields
began to be generally discussed and the Alaska Syndicate was impressed
with the necessity of taking the coal question into consideration in the
construction of a railroad. Work was suspended at Valdez and Mr. Rogers
directed his attention to Katella and the Copper River country. It was
then decided to build from Katella, in preference to Valdez or Cordova,
active work starting in the early spring of 1907. Efforts to construct a
breakwater and secure a suitable harbor at Katalla soon met with
unsatisfactory results, after trestles had been built, ten miles of
grading done and eight miles of track laid.

In June, 1907, the Syndicate secured the services of E. C. Hawkins,
formerly chief engineer of the White Pass & Yukon railroad. He came
north on July first to study the whole situation. For over three months
he tramped over the various suggested routes for reaching the Bonanza
mines. He held in mind the necessity for starting at tide water at a
common point to tap both the copper belt and the coal fields, with the
lightest possible grade. He also desired an open harbor the year round,
with deep water and secure anchorage, where a large fleet of vessels
might be safely sheltered.

Mr. Hawkins satisfied himself that Cordova offered more advantages than
any other point, even though the cost of constructing from there would
be greater than from some other port. He went to New York and at a
meeting of the Syndicate in October, reported in favor of discontinuing
work at other points and starting from Cordova. The meeting decided on
the line from Cordova.

On November 15, 1907, Mr. Hawkins was made chief engineer and general
manager of the Katalla Company, organized for the purpose of
constructing the railroad, and which positions he continues to hold. He
was placed in absolute charge of the engineering and construction work.
The first contract was for rebuilding the old part of the Copper River
Railroad five miles out from Cordova and new construction to Abercrombie
or mile 54. Track was laid to this point by October 30, 1908, with the
exception of the bridge crossing the river at mile 49. The next contract
was to Tiekel, or mile 101, which was completed on December 1, 1909. The
road was completed to Chitina, or mile 131, on September 12, 1910. Track
was laid to Kuskulana, mile 149, October 23, and the steel bridge across
the river was completed December 25. The trestle 880 feet long and from
eighty to ninety feet high was built across the Gilahina River, mile
160, in eight days, and trains were running over it January 28. For the
rest of the distance the actual track laying in the dead of winter and
over ice and snow progressed at the rate of nearly a mile per day not
including the building of trestle, until the end of the line was reached
on the afternoon of March 28, 1911.

Some Items of Expense
Some of the most expensive rock work in railway building has been
encountered, ranging from nominal amounts to $220,000 per mile. Faces of
mountains and canyons were literally torn away by tremendous charges of
dynamite and powder. Practically along the entire line north of Miles
and Childs Glaciers the very mountain summits echoed and re-echoed again
and again the martial-like sound and explosions proclaiming the
indomitable will and physical hardihood of the industrial soldiers of
peaceful progress blazing a way for the enrichment and convenience of
generations to come. There were 5,680,000 cubic yards of excavation, of
which 3,140,000 were of solid rock. Great quantities of explosives were
used, at a cost of $375,000. Over 1,200,000 yards of gravel were moved
by steam shovels, at a cost of $290,000.

Already $8,300,000 has been paid labor for wages, exclusive of the wages
paid for contract station work. Fuel was an important item and cost
$610,000. Over $375,000 was paid for lumber and ties, while the
government will receive nearly $100,000 for stumpage. The cost for
piling aggregated $118,000. An expensive item was the rails, for which
$1,110,000 was paid. Building wagon roads and trails so as to transport
materials cost $78,000. The big and substantial wharf at Cordova cost
$136,000. An expensive item will be the 190,000 tons of freight received
by sea and much of which came by rail from the Eastern states. The
charges for this item will likely run up to over $2,000,000.

Effective Hospital Service
In the employment of thousands of men there are necessarily man
accidents. It has always been the policy both of the Katalla Company and
M. J. Heney to afford the maimed the best possible accommodations and
the best medical assistance obtainable. During the period of
construction work for the contractor, Dr. F. B. Whiting has acted as
chief surgeon, which position he also filled during work on the White
Pass & Yukon railroad.

To know Dr. Whiting is to know a man who stands high in his profession,
and a man who is possessed of boundless energy and a sympathetic heart.
Any distance or hour of the day or night would find him responsive to a
call of distress. He is a man of strong organizing ability, and in the
selection of his assistants he secured the best men obtainable. His
hospitals have been provided with the latest and most up-to-date
instruments and facilities for the treatment of patients. Some of his
operations performed required the highest skill of his profession, which
merited the exceptional success that his efforts earned. As a result
there were surprisingly few fatalities.

At present the main hospital is at mile 146, where Dr. Broderick is the
assistant. As work progressed others have been maintained at miles 55,
96, 101, 123, 133, 182, and 191.

The Katalla Company has always maintained a splendid hospital at
Cordova. Until last summer it was in charge of Dr. W. W. Council, when
he gave way to Dr. Smith, who has since been in charge. Other hospitals
have been maintained by the Katalla Company at Miles Glacier, for the
benefit of the bridge workers, and at Abercrombie Canyon, when the snow
sheds were being built, and at Kuskulana, when the bridge was erected.

Alaska Syndicate
The men who have financed the Copper River & Northwestern Railway are M.
Guggenheim Sons and J. Pierpont Morgan, with their friends. They formed
a combination for working purposes, known as the Alaska Syndicate. The
first purchase for $3,000,000 of mining claims, including the Bonanza
mine at Kennecott, 196 miles into the interior, made necessary the
building of a railroad to reach this property. After having experts
examine the many mining claims that were then located by various
individuals and companies in what is known as the Copper River district,
a conclusion was reached that sufficient tonnage would be available soon
after the completion of a railroad to warrant the construction of a
standard gauge, high-class railroad.

Several million dollars were spent in the effort to establish the proper
sea coast terminal. Finally Cordova was decided upon as the most
desirable and feasible point to reach the coal and copper fields. From
that time forward the work has been prosecuted with diligence and
without interruption. As estimates for costs were submitted the
Syndicate endorsed the expenditures and promptly supplied the necessary
money. The financiers are represented in New York by S. W. Eccles, who
has very largely reflected the policies of the Syndicate and conducted
their business from that end.

The Katalla Company and Railway
This company was formed for the purpose of constructing the railroad.
Certain contracts were awarded to M. J. Heney on a percentage basis,
while the construction of the steel bridges and certain other work after
the contractor had turned over a completed division, was performed by
the Katalla Company. Of this company S. W. Eccles, of New York is
president, while E. C. Hawkins is vice-president and general manager.
To Mr. Hawkins was given practically absolute authority on matters of
construction, that involved the expenditures of many millions of
dollars. He has had the absolute confidence of the financiers who are
building the road. They early realized his wonderful genius as an
engineer and railroad builder, and he has always been regarded by them
as a man of sound judgment, unswerving integrity, and of exceptional energy.
To Mr. Hawkins, more than anyone man, is due the credit for the
accomplishment of one of the greatest engineering feats and best pieces
of pioneer construction ever attempted in the United States. After his
preliminary plans were complete there was necessity for the almost
continuous exercise of his fertile brain to meet and dispose of the many
complex and unusual questions that were arising in all quarters. His
mental and physical strength were at times tried to their utmost. But
his courage never failed, and today he can look upon the accomplishment
of a gigantic work with the consciousness that his duties were not only
well performed, but that the results merit him the highest possible
credit and honor.

Through his kindly consideration for all employees Mr. Hawkins won their
confidence and regard to such an extent as is seldom enjoyed by a head
official. And in return the loyalty and energy they displayed redounded
to the advancement of the work and to the credit of all concerned.
During the past three years Mr. Hawkins has had valued assistance and
co-operation from all of the employees, and particularly the following
head officials:

Alfred Williams, assistant engineer; C. E. Harrison and L. J. Caswell,
division engineers; G. H. Spangler, special engineer; A. C. O'Neel,
bridge engineer; J. W. Covert and H. A. Brown, assistant bridge
engineers; S. Corner, chief draftsman; Fred W. Hawkins, Philip Caleb
Corser, L. M. Price, Henry Dyo, T. W. Secrest, E. C. Eby, Daniel Boyle,
Homer McHadley, C. E. Wingate, J. C. Scurry, S. A. Walker, S. E.
Sellows, C. J. McCain, T. C. Brill, B. Dreitenstein, W. J. Ford, W. A.
Richelsen, resident engineers; W. S. McCune, chief timekeeper.
In the operation of the Copper River & Northwestern Railway the resident
officials are E. C. Hawkins, chief engineer; J. R. Van Cleve, division
superintendent and master mechanic; R. J. Barry, general freight and
passenger agent; W. J. Ford, auditor; I. W. Young, storekeeper; L.
Wernicke, division engineer.

The general officers at the New York and Seattle offices are as follows:
S. W. Eccles, president, New York; F. W. Hills, comptroller, New York;
J. H. Young, vice-president, Seattle; C. J. Jones, traffic manager, New
York; D. H. Jarvis, assistant treasurer, Seattle; W. E. Bennett,
secretary, New York; W. H. Bogle, attorney, Seattle; J. K. MacGowan,
purchasing agent, New York; W. B. Sprague, assistant purchasing agent,
Seattle; Kenneth Kerr, industrial agent, Seattle.

M. J. Heney, Contractor
The contract for the grading, track laying and trestle work of the
railroad was awarded to M. J. Heney, who had been the contractor for the
White Pas & Yukon railroad. Mr. Heney at once proceeded to effect an
organization that was characteristic for its loyalty, strength and
efficiency. He surrounded himself, as heads of the different
departments, with men of experience and exceptional ability, who soon
justified his wisdom by proving themselves able and faithful, remaining
loyal unto the end.

Mr. Heney was in the wreck of the steamer Ohio in August, 1909, but
later proceeded to Cordova and directed and labored with his old-time
energy, until he left for the states on December 6, 1909. He proceeded
to New York, but soon returned to California, where his weakened
condition developed into pneumonia and heart trouble, from which he died
October 11, 1910. The thousands of men who were in his employ grieved
and mourned over his death with such deep feeling and sincerity as is
seldom witnessed in this generation. But to all M. J. Heney was a
friend, and not a taskmaster. He was loved and respected by all his men
and the public generally.

As during his previous contract Mr. Heney had as his first lieutenant
Samuel Murchison. He has much of the same force and many of the
characteristics of his chief. When the absence and illness of Mr. Heney
required that he assume full responsibility, Mr. Murchison never
faltered, but took hold and labored with a fidelity and energy that
endeared him to his chief and won him the favor of all the employees.
Since the death of Mr. Heney the work has been under the absolute
direction of Mr. Murchison, and he has made for himself such a record as
will forever establish him as one of the foremost and successful
railroad builders of the country. He has a splendid knowledge of men,
and his kindly and courteous treatment of his employees resulted in
securing their confidence and loyalty to a marked degree and with such
results as is only achieved by men of giant force and great consideration.
The personnel of M. J. Heney, contractor, is composed as follows:
General superintendent, Samuel Murchison; superintendent of bridges and
buildings, P. J. O Brien; superintendent of transportation, W. C.
Robinson; superintendent of motive power, H. R. Simpson; superintendent
of track, A. L. McCoy; general foreman, Daniel Hedican; chief surgeon,
Dr. F. B. Shiting; chief storekeeper, Archie Shiels; assistant
storekeeper, Thos. Fitch.

The Heney company has considerable work still to perform before turning
over to the Katalla Company the remaining section from Chitina to
Kennicott. Filling in ties, completing trestles, ballasting, and some
general work will keep the present employees busy until the 15th of
April. On that day Mr. Murchison will turn over the last section of the
railroad to General Manager Hawkins, and from that time on all necessary
ballasting and additional improvements on the railroad will be performed
by the Katalla Company.

The work of the Heney company has been energetically and skillfully
performed. Some delay was occasioned by reason of discovered ice seams
and slides in heavy rock work. This delayed the building of the
Kuskulana bridge until an extreme bitter season, and naturally resulted
in necessary delay in the completion of the work. Otherwise it was up to
schedule and such delay as there was is attributed to the elements.

The Bonanza Mine
The direct reason for the construction of the Copper River &
Northwestern Railway was to reach the mining property of the Knnecott
Mines Company, which had been acquired by the Alaska Syndicate for a
consideration of $3,000,000. This property now consists of thirty-two
lode claims and eighteen placer claims, embracing a total acreage of
3,240 acres. Practically the only development was on the Bonanza group,
which had $6,000,000 of rich copper ore in sight. But it was apparent
from the start that the Syndicate would not be justified in building a
standardized modern railway to carry the tonnage of their own property.
They realized the prospective development of many greater producers on
claims close to the railroad and so decided to build a substantial and
permanent road, in the belief that development would give ample tonnage.
The Bonanza mine is located upon a high ridge between Kennecott glacier
and McCarthy creek. It is six miles above, the foot of the glacier and
three miles from the town of Kennecott, where the concentrator and ore
bins are located. The mine is 1,500 feet above the timber line, at an
elevation of about 4,500 feet, with a good trail leading to it. The ore
is practically pure chalcocite or copper glance, and is stained upon the
surface by copper carbonates. Comparatively little work has as yet been
done in the development of the mine. There are about 1,000 feet of
tunneling and 150 feet of raise. Possibly 2,000 tons of ore has been
taken out, most of which will run 65 per cent, and some higher, in copper.
The ore is conveyed by a three mile tram to the concentrator and ore
bins. Ore is now being sacked, preparatory to shipment over the railroad
to Cordova, from whence it will be taken to the Tacoma smelter. It is
expected that the ore will run over $200 per ton and that 1,500 tons
will net $300,000. When the smelter return is announced within two or
three weeks, it is believed that the high value of the ore, and in much
great quantities, will startle the mining world. And it certainly will
prove a stimulus to prospectors and those who are at present interested
in the Kotsina-Chitina copper belt to exert greater effort in the
discovery of valuable properties and the development of those already

Last year the Kennecott Mines Company took in over the trail the
machinery for a sawmill. After that was established sufficient lumber
was cut to supply the 200,000 feet necessary for the erection of a large
concentrator building 44 feet wide of six stories of benches ranging
from 16 to 22 feet. Other construction consists of tram terminals,
transfer bunkers, ore chutes and 375 feet of snow sheds between the mine
and ore bins.

The sawmill also furnished the lumber for a two-story addition to the
main office or headquarters, a new cottage, another bunkhouse, with
sleeping, reading, sitting and bathrooms for twenty men, and a
warehouse. In addition to the erection of buildings around the Bonanza
property, a dam is being constructed across National creek near the end
of the tramway for the purpose of furnishing a sufficient head of water
to operate the machinery for the crushers and concentrators, as well as
furnishing power for the electric and steam plants to be installed.
The general manager of the Kennecott Mining Company is Stephen Birch.
The superintendent is E. B. Emory, who formerly worked for the
Guggenheims in Mexico.

Kotsina-Chitina Copper Belt
When the charge is so flagrantly made that the Alaska Syndicate has
practically all the copper in the interior of Alaska, it may be
interesting to know that their four groups of forty claims are a very
small part of the 200 groups of 4,000 copper and gold claims that have
been located by other individuals and companies. These locations have
been made in the Kotsina-Chitina copper belt. This is a tract of
mountainous country, east of the Copper River and embracing the
watersheds of the Kotsina, Kuskulana, Gilihena, Strelna, Lakina, Nizina,
Kennecott, Chitistone and Chitina Rivers with their tributary streams,
notably, Nugget, Elliott, Dan, Chititu, Young, Glacier creeks.
One of the biggest companies operating in this part of Alaska is the
Great Northern Development Company. E. F. Gray is one of the owners and
also general manager. Associated with him are Phillips, Dodge & Co., of
New York, part of the Amalgamated copper combination. This company has
already expended $800,000 in development work and improvements,
employing 140 men last season on two properties located at Copper
Mountain and on the Kotsina. Several thousand feet of tunnel has been
driven and large bodies of ore uncovered. This year work on a larger
scale will go on and a branch line of the railroad will likely by built
12 miles up the Strelna to the property.

Three or four miles distant, near the Kuskulana Glacier, are the Dillman
properties, worked by the Alaska United Copper Exploration Company.
Considerable work has been done on the Finch group and the tunnels show
rich bodies of glance and bornite. A crew of men this season expect to
open up the property so as to make it an early shipper. Assays show from
30 to 45 per cent copper. This company is also working the Westover
group on the mountain side above Dan creek. As the work progresses
values hold good, and the lead of bornite ore retains its width of 16
feet. Assessment work is being done on other properties.

The California-Alaska Development Company, composed of Capt. A. E.
Lathrop and San Francisco parties, will work their Kotsina properties
this season on a larger scale than ever. Others operating on the Kotsina
are the Hubbard and Elliott, the McCarthy company, and the Guilianeau
Mining Co. The Cushman properties on the upper Strelna, the Deyo and
Price group and others, will be worked. The Mother Lode Mining Co.,
beyond Kennecott, and the Millard company, which owns the Nikolai mine,
propose to work on a larger scale than ever, as does also the Blackburn
Mines Co.

The Dan Creek Mining Company is operating extensively on Dan creek. The
Birch brothers and Jim Galen have taken in considerable hydraulic
machinery to work their placer ground. Geo. Max Esterley has taken in
machinery and expects to take out several hundred thousand dollars in
placer gold from Dan and Chititu creeks. The Kernan company will also
operate on Dan creek.
Scores of other operators will assist this year in disproving the theory
that the Guggenheims have gobbled up all the valuable copper and gold
properties in this district.

Rates on Ore
While the rates on the transportation of ore have not been officially
announced by the railroad company, yet, it comes from a reliable source
that the maximum rate per ton will be $20, with the minimum running down
to about $5 per ton. The price will be graduated in accordance with the
value of the ore, as is the custom of all railroads in mining countries.
Usually ten per cent of the value is charged. Most of the ore in the
Copper River country will run from $50 to $250 per ton in copper, and
the freight rate as quoted will be more than satisfactory to them. As
one operator declared, he expected to and would be perfectly willing to
pay 20 per cent of the smelter returns.

Some Interesting Facts
About fifteen per cent of the railroad is composed of bridges and trestles.
The railroad is on a water grade from Cordova to Chitina. On the Chitina
branch to the end of the line except two pusher grades, the maximum is
1.15 per 100 feet.

Joe Redmond, chief blacksmith for the contractor, fashioned the copper
spike that was driven at the end of the road by General Manager Hawkins,
of the Katalla Company, and General Superintendent Samuel Murchison., of
the contracting company. It was cut from a solid piece of native copper,
taken from the bed of Chittitu creek, a stream near the Bonanza mine.
The spike was afterward drawn and will be properly inscribed and sent by
Mr. Hawkins to the head office in New York, as the first return received
from an investment of over forty million dollars. Mr. Redmond also
presented Mr. Hawkins as a personal memento, a copper horseshoe with
nails projecting to be used for penholders, and a pick and shovel acting
as a backholder.

One of the hardest worked and most conscientious officials in the
service of the Copper River & Northwestern Railway is J. R. Van Cleve,
superintendent and master mechanic. His ability and energy are towers of
strength in the operating of the new railroad.

A half million tons of steel rails have been laid since January 7.
When the Katella branch line is constructed from mile 39, the distance
from the coal mines to Cordova will be 93 miles.
Any timber cut by the railroad up to mile 89 had to be paid for, as it
was within the government reserve. Practically the only available timber
in the entire reserve is near mile 13, where there is fine native
spruce, which was largely used for ties and piling. With this exception
a selected quality of Puget Sound Douglas fir was used for all timber
work. Three and one-third cents for each tie cut was paid to the government.
When the railroad reached mile 54 a steamboat landing was established
and until the end of last season three steamers, the Tonsina, Chitina'>
and Nizina, were used to transport freight and supplies for the railroad
up the river. The cost was $1.07 per ton per mile. The cost of building
these steamers was $215,000.

During the summer of 1909 the ferryboat Gulkana was used to transfer
supplies from the railroad at camp 49 across the Copper River to connect
with the rails. Until the Miles Glacier bridge was completed last
summer, the supplies were taken across on scows drawn by cables and
donkey engines.


