The Kennecott Mines

Early Bonanza, Pt 2

It was not long before the Kennecott Copper had built up quite a complex on the hill at the 6,000 foot level. The ore bunker on the left would soon be significantly altered in appearance.  Note the long snow shed on the right between another new building--probably for the compressors-- and the ore bunker. Below this snow shed in the center is the expanded barrack building.  The snow shed leads to the original main adit. An early fire at the compressor building not only set back plans here but significantly changed the appearance of the complex.

The bunker sits in front of a second adit which led directly to a dumping point at the top of the Bonanza incline shaft.   The tunnel was punched through to facilitate the removal of the ore from underground directly to the top rear of the ore bunker.  When you click onto the larger size you will also more clearly see the steep chute which leads to the top of the ridge. It appears that this was used to transport slide ore to the ore bunker. In later photos this structure was gone.
